Saturday 6 April 2013

Ica Stone

Ica Stone (1)

Among the important artifacts brought forth in the 1990s as evidence of ancient contact between humans and extraterrestrials are the so-called stones of Ica, Peru. The stones, carved at some point in prehistorical times, appear to show humans fighting dinosaurs, complex medical operations on the human body, and various long-extinct animal species.
The stones were first discovered by Dr. Javier Cabrera in 1966 when as a young physician residing in Ica, he was given one of the stones as a gift. He became interested as he discerned that the stone pictured a long-extinct fish. Over time he discovered more of the stones, all carved from andesite, an extremely hard stone rarely chosen for carvings. Over the next 25 years, Cabrera collected more that 15,000 of the stones, which he now displays in a modest museum. In the process of collecting the stones, he uncovered a cave in which many thousands have been found.
Cabrera initially reached the conclusion that the stones had been carved by local people to feed the tourist trade. However, their number and the difficulty of working andesite soon led him to question that idea. He was further convinced by the nature of the images he found, which required some technical knowledge of dinosaurs. He concluded that the stones were real ancient artifacts, that they pictured events and objects seen by those who carved them, and they suggest some rewriting of ancient history.
Skeptical voices looking at the stones have suggested that they are a hoax, at least in part, though the motivation for carving so many of the stones for no apparent financial motive (there are so many that they have little value) is not explained. It has also been suggested that some of the stones may in fact be old artifacts, but that the interpretation placed on them by Cabrera is romantic fantasy. They also point out that there is not other evidence of an ancient culture that could have carved the stones. In the meantime, books and Internet sites showing examples of the stones and arguing for their authenticity have appeared. People interested in ancient mysteries have speculated on the stones and tied them to other artifacts found in the country and tied them to ancient astronauts or to Atlantis.

Read more:

Ica Stone (2)

The Ica Stones are currently displayed in the Ica Stones Museum in IcaPeru which houses approximately 11,000 of the estimated 15,000 or more stones that are said to exist.  Proponents believe the stones were originally been found in 1961 in a cave of the Peruvian Ocucaje desert but that Spanish ethnohistoric sources from the colonial period make mention of similarly carved stones found in tombs.  Although the exact nature of these carved stones is not known, some were apparently sent back to Spain although no known record exists as to their current location.  The stones are decorated with etched depictions of advanced technology and medical procedures, depictions of other planets and unknown continents, as well as numerous depictions of humans and dinosaurs co-existing. 

The main proponent associated with the Ica Stones is the late Dr. Javier Cabrera (deceased 2001) who is credited with popularizing the stones as well as displaying and caring for them in the museum that was contained within his house in Ica.  Cabrera termed these stones “gliptoliths” and posited that they were created by “Gliptolithic Man” who came to Earth from the Pleiades.  He first came upon the infamous stones when he was given one for his birthday in the early 1960s.  The beautiful stone interested him and he was able to buy more from a farmer in the region.  The farmer brought Cabrera more and more stones but would not reveal how he was making them, eventually leading Cabrera to become convinced of the authenticity of the stones. 

As the Ica Stones gained international popularity, the Peruvian government was forced to crack down on the law governing huaqueros (grave robbers) and those who sell antiquities on the black market.  As a result the farmer was arrested, faced imprisonment but avoided jail by eventually admitting to being the one to create the numerous Ica Stones. 

Cabrera was not deterred by this confession and dedicated the rest of his life to the promotion and maintenance of the stones.  A trained physician and founder of the San Luis Gonzaga Ica National University, Cabrera was highly regarded in his mainstream professional career but generally ridiculed for his involvement and extensive theorizing of the Ica Stones.  The international archaeological community has discounted these stones as a hoax but many other influential proponents hail from the worlds of extraterrestrial enthusiasts, mythic specialists, and young earth creationists.  Two of the most prolific of the young earth creationists who focus on the human and dinosaur co-existence factor are Don Patton and Dennis Swift.

Today, people still believe in the authenticity of the stones despite the fact that this authenticity has been disproven.  Problematically, the stones cannot be dated as no organic matter is found on them, nor can the strata where they were found be dated - the location of the cave has conveniently been kept a secret.

And this is some picture of Ica Stone:

Thanks for reading

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